Frequently Asked Questions

Equine Dental Services

In order to provide the highest level of dental care, a thorough and complete dental examination must be performed. In order to accomplish this, sedation is necessary even for the most patient horse. As such, intravenous sedation should only be administered by a licensed veterinarian for both legal and safety reasons. While lay dentists will often assure owners that they are fully capable of giving IV injections, they will not have the necessary medications or knowledge to treat reactions that can occasionally occur from IV sedation administration. Furthermore, veterinarians are trained and licensed through a nationally established curriculum of rigorous schooling, examination, and continuing education. Currently, there is no widely established or accepted licensing for a lay person “dentist”. Unfortunately, that makes it exceedingly difficult for a horse owner to determine if a lay person “dentist” is appropriately qualified to assess and address their horse’s dental needs. While there exist some very talented lay-dentists out there, this does not remove the legal ramifications of IV sedation or remove the vulnerability placed on the owners in trying to assess the individual skill level of each lay-person “dentist”.